Airstrip digital health team works for making a vision about digital health challenges in whole of the world.

Digital health has new road map for digitalization of national health system Digital health has overarching movement towards integrated and person centered care. Airstrip digital health team created platform for extended knowledge of digital health.

Airstrip digital health team introduces challenges of digital health in different countries and how we can movement towards integrated health care system.

Future road map for digital health is establishing a global information platform. A grand global health care platform of information, where all players in the healthcare world are contributors to and extractors from this virtual pool of information.

Future road map for digital health is establishing a global information platform. A grand global health care platform of information, where all players in the healthcare world are contributors to and extractors from this virtual pool of information.

Slide We are bridging the gaps between
This future vision and today's reality
Patients and physicians
Business and academics of digital health
Future policies and policymakers about digital health
National health system to global health system
Today’s innovations and future innovations

Slide At Airstrip digital, we are building a community to make this happen.
A community of empowered digital health researchers, healthcare professionals, digital health policymakers, healthcare entrepreneur, healthcare technology developers and medical students.